Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Squidoo Closes: Websites That Pay Freelancers

Have you heard Squidoo is closing?  Recently, Yahoo!'s Contributor Network closed their doors after 9 years of being a top place for freelance writers.  In the rush, many people are scrambling to find solutions.  So far, I have found that Squidoo will no longer pay and Bubblews in some sort of payment fiasco (45+ days and counting on that payment, sheesh).

I have been improving my writing skills lately, so here's three cheers for that bright idea.

So who is left?  As it turns out, I have found that there a few websites that work.


Outside of that, I either haven't tried to get work from another website, or I find their methods unreliable.  For instance, as I have experienced in the past, by paying $200 for a mediator, you can get clients from Elance to pay, but then you have spent $200!  That doesn't really work for freelance writers.

And now Squidoo is closing!

I logged in recently to Squidoo (who doesn't really pay that much to begin with) and found that they had been bought by Hubpages (also a low-earning website).  This means, hopefully, that all my content from Squidoo will be transferred to Hubpages sometime in the near future.

Jeez Louise, it has been a rough summer for freelancers!  If I didn't have private SEO clients for article writing, I'd be completely broke!

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